Is my eczema hereditary (Atopic Eczema) or is it caused by an allergic reaction (Contact Eczema)?
We completely understand that having eczema or having a child with eczema can add extra stress to your daily life and can be such a lonely place. That is why we would like to give you the best possible information on your skin condition. If you are a concerned family member wanting to understand more about the condition or are a personal eczema sufferer we are here to lend a hand and offer you the best advice and eczema product solutions for your skin.
About Eczema: Facts, Symptoms and Triggers
Did you know that you are not alone? Eczema is one of the most common skin conditions today. It is found in 1 in 5 children and up to 10% of adults. Eczema symptoms vary from patient to patient and vary from mild to severe. It is characterised by dry skin, itching, scaling, red spots, erosions, irritation and acute or chronic inflammation. It is most common in children but symptoms usually stop before they reach the age of 25 (1). Eczema does not affect a patient’s general health but can affect their life emotionally and socially. Eczema presents on the face, trunk and upper and lower limbs of the body. It is often triggered by stress and that is why it is so important to ensure you include a stress relieving activity into your day every day!
There are 2 main types of Eczema namely, Atopic Eczema (atopic dermatitis) or Contact Eczema
Atopic Dermatitis or Atopic Eczema is eczema caused by genetic or environmental factors or an impaired immune response. It is most commonly found in children and affects 2 in 10 babies. (1) When present in babies it is called infantile eczema.
Contact eczema is eczema caused by a reaction to substances encountered on a daily basis. It is commonly known as occupational eczema, as it is often triggered by contact with substances encountered at the workplace. Hairdressers are usually susceptible to this. Contact Eczema affects up to 10% of the population. (2)
Eczema can affect a patient’s life physically and emotionally. It is important that the treatment used effectively targets the cause of eczema and reduces the patient’s symptoms. The most common treatments used include the use of non-prescriptive emollients (moisturising creams) or the use of prescriptive steroid creams (cortisone).
Emollients or moisturising creams prevent the skin from drying out and provide a soothing effect. They can be used safely without side effects for long periods of time. They unfortunately do not treat the inflammatory reaction.
Steroid creams (cortisone) are solely used to treat the inflammation found in Eczema. Steroid or cortisone creams provide short term relief for skin inflammation but do not provide a moisturising effect. Use of these creams for long periods of time may result in skin thinning. Cortisone & steroid creams need to be prescribed by a doctor but cannot be prescribed for individuals under a certain age (normally excludes children) (1).
Due to the singular effect of emollients and cortisone, many patients use these methods together to provide a balanced effect.
Dermalex Repair is the first effective self-treatment for Ezcema, without prescription, without cortisone and without side effects.
Dermalex is the perfect compromise between the two treatment methods. Dermalex effectively targets the root cause of eczema, significantly reducing symptoms and future flare ups. It stimulates the skin’s own repair mechanisms, repairing the skin’s barrier function and reducing inflammation. Dermalex creates a micro layer on the skin that protects the skin from future reactions/flare-ups, and provides a moisturising and soothing effect. Dermalex can be used on a daily basis with no side effects, contra-indications and with no limits of time, quantity or usage.
Dermalex products are tailored to meet the need of the respective patient. The range includes; Dermalex – Atopic Eczema, Dermalex – Irritation from allergic reactions (Contact Eczema) and Dermalex – Eczema treatment for children and babies
Please feel free to leave any comments you may have, and know that Dermalex is here for you to ensure that not only will your condition improve drastically, but that your extra added daily stress from eczema can be relieved.
2. Kleszky M., Zsuzsanna K. : Promising multi-center clinical observation of a new treatment for mild to moderate contact eczema, using a new Medical Device Product – Exmafin – baed on active and passive barrier repair mechanisms. 2009 (contact eczema)