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Interesting facts about warts

Interesting facts about warts

Did you know?

There are over 70 different strains of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV).  The HP virus causes an overproduction of Keratin in the epidermis of the skin. This Keratin is responsible for the rough and hard texture of a wart.

Common Warts

These viruses exist naturally on the human skin, but if a person’s immune system is weakened, they can become susceptible to contracting the HPV virus.

Always keep a close eye on a wart. If it starts bleeding, becomes painful, or grows alarmingly fast and big, consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Warts are extremely contagious and can spread through direct contact to other parts of the body, or other people. Watch children carefully, as they sometimes bite their warts, which means that it will most likely spread around their mouths too. So, therefore what we’re trying to say is that’s it’s best to treat warts and verruca’s as soon as they appear, as they can grow fairly large, very quickly, and may even spread to become a cluster of warts.

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**Use Wartner to get rid of those pesky growths double time! The super-safe, at-home method.

