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Lice infestations in the schools

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Lice infestations in the schools

Nursery and primary schools are constantly plagued by lice infestations.The infestation starts with one person but by the time you receive that letter notifying you of an infestation, the lice have spread.

It is important to understand how the lice spread in order to prevent infestations.

How do my children get head lice?


Head lice spread through direcLicet contact with the hair of person with head lice. Girls are more likely to be infected than boys, due to their long hair and their frequency of head to head contact.

Head lice can also spread through indirect contact with inanimate objects and personal belongings. Although this transmission is possible, it is quite uncommon. Head lice are adapted for clutching to human hair and not objects. Their singular claw will have difficulty attaching to smooth or slippery surfaces like plastic, metal, or polished synthetic leathers.

In addition, head lice are only able to survive 2 days out of the hair, as they lose their habitat and source of food. This proves that transmission mostly occurs through head to head contact.


Can children pick up head lice while swimming?


There is some evidence to show that head lice can survive under water but it is highly unlikely that lice will be transferred this way. However, if the child already has a lice infestation, the lice are likely to survive. They hold tightly onto the hair and do not let go when submerged under water. In addition to this, the chlorine used in swimming pools does not kill the head lice.

How do I prevent lice infestations?


Even though indirect transmission is rare, it is important that children do not share hats, scarves, beanies or hair brushes. Paranix Repellent spray should be used to actively prevent a lice infestation.

Paranix Repellent spray is an easy to use, leave in spray that is clinically proven to protect your children against lice infestations.


Paranix Repellent Spray


Paranix Repellent provides 24 hour protection against an infestation.


Paranix Repellent contains a natural plant extract; IR3535 that naturally repels the lice.
It is safe for daily use and does not leave the hair greasy
It has a pleasant citrus fragrance,


  1. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Rd. Atlanta, GA 30329-4027, USA